Digital Product Marketing

Communicating ideas to markets. Targeted.

Solutions developed with a unique blend: 51% data and analysis, complemented by 49% creativity. We calculate the text.

Deep Services.

The central pillar of all services is the data-driven research conducted by

Melchonian Lab.

Product Launch Strategy
Enter the market prepared and well-dressed, so customers turn their heads.
Building an impressive brand personality. Your chance to influence with a unique voice.
Content Marketing
Combining human skills with generative AI technologies to produce calculated texts.
In-App Marketing
Your app is valuable because everything is implemented on time and in context.
Integrated Communications
You speak with different audiences in their language but with your voice.
Performance Analytics
We harness data and interpret it creatively to build measurable strategies.

Not a Client.
A partner.

Paying and getting only services is a poor experience.
We collaborate with knowledge, data and active communication,
packaging every service with additional benefits.

Melchonian Lab

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Order an annual 360° Market Scan.

Receive global marketing analysis.

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